
Hi, I’m Veronica Shukla

Hi, I’m Veronica Shukla, and I have some different theories about landscaping, gardening, and lawns. I have a passion for trying to be as ecologically friendly as possible with my urban property. I like to think outside the box — and outside the lawn.

I’ve been studying permaculture, ecology, and botany for several years now and have a Permaculture Design Certificate from Whole Systems Design. I also founded a local nonprofit in South Dakota and Minnesota called Project Food Forest and continue to do design and consultation work through it.

I travel into the great outdoors as much as I can to observe natural ecosystems in progress, and I also practice on my own property and at public food forests run by Project Food Forest.

I also love to write and help people. This blog is the perfect convergence of my passions. It’s here where I can find all my fellow eco-friends who share these passions and want to know all they can about useful plants, biodiversity, and perception change.

There are 40 million acres of lawn in the U.S. today. Much of that area consumes vast amounts of resources but hardly gets used. The more of us that push the boundaries of what a yard is supposed to look like, the more the common perception changes. It only takes a few brave souls to start a shift, and you’re one of them. It’s so nice to meet you, friend!